It's easy to add or delete columns and rows from your table. When deleting remember that the entire row or column is going to be deleted, not just the individual cell you might want to eliminate. When you add a column or row you will be adding the column to either the right or left of the column you select and you will be adding a row above or below the row you select.
To add a row above the row your cursor is in click this button. |
To add a row below the row |
To add a column to the left of the column your cursor is in click this button. |
To add a column to the right of the column your cursor is in click this button. |
Title | Name | Email | Phone |
Principal | Mr. Smith | | 555-555-1212 |
To delete a column your cursor is in click this button.
Title | Name | Email | Phone |
Principal | Mr. Smith | | 555-555-1212 |
To delete the entire table select any cell and click this button.